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Jolyn Team Store Website-Update**


As mentioned in parents meeting today, we will use Jolyn as our new vendor for team suits; here is the link of our team store that we can purchase through this website. The store is open now and will be open until 4/14, so we might get the suits early May.

I will bring sizing kit tomorrow 4/6 at 8am for the girls to try the size.

** Update: Due to limited pool time today, we will do sizing Monday 4/8 and Wednesday 4/10 at 5pm.

If your current Navy Team Suit still fits, you don't need to purchase again this time.

There are also some optional items: black swimsuits for figures competitions, shorts and flannel pants.

Every purchase from our team store, Jolyn will donate 10% to support our team. This will be a new way for our fundraising. If you would like any other items from Jolyn, please let me know and we might continue to add items in our team store.


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The Meraquas of Irvine is the Premier Artistic Swimming Team

in Orange County, California.

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