If your name is on this list you are approved to sign up. The registration is not out yet but will be soon. There is a cost to sign up on line and there is a $25 cost to our club for Pool Rental and food for the assessors. I will start testing land skills and swimming skills during each practice from now until Feb 23. However, you need 2 judges for figures and routine and that will be Feb 23. If you are not on list list you don't need to worry about LTAD this time.
If you are 12 & U you need level 3 so if you don't have it sign up for all the levels you need
If you are Junior you need level 5
If you are a Youth you need level 4.
Below are the levels you have
Chloe June - 2
Gia Han - 3
Zora - 3
Karis - 2
Chloe Su - 1
Sophia Chang - 3
Sara - 2
Sienna - 3
Cassandra - 2
Kathryn 3
Joyce -2
Olivia Linden - 2
Bella M. - 3
Heidi - 3
Amina 2
Stephanie - 2
Margaret- 3 and you can take 4.
Cleo - 2
Sophia H - 2
Mini - 3
Izzy -2
Swimmers that can take the LTAD test - optional
Evelyn - take level 2
Varya - Take level 1
Thien Thao Take level 1 and 2
Thien Thien Take Level 1 and 2
Camilla - Take level 1 and 2
Hazel H - take level 2
Hazel R - take level 1 and 2
Viktoria V - Take level 1 and 2
Bella E - Take level 1 and 2
Viktoriia V should have level 1 from last year
Is Avery Kim signed up for Level 3 as well?
Chloe su should have level 2 passed.