as OCC location represents quite a constraint for many of us, would it be possible to organize a schedule alternating the locations between the teams (Woollett/OCC) from week to week ?
This could be started after LA competition to let some time to organize it.
Hello Cedric, coach Candy reminded me that the teams were altering already, since two weeks in February the older girls (Drumline and SuperHero) practiced at OCC, while 4 teams stayed at Woollett. She wants me to inform you that it's impossible to change plans for March.
@Maria Peregudova,
as OCC location represents quite a constraint for many of us, would it be possible to organize a schedule alternating the locations between the teams (Woollett/OCC) from week to week ?
This could be started after LA competition to let some time to organize it.
Great Thanks in advance.
BR, Cedric