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Writer's pictureCandy Hipp


It's that time a year to register your daughter for the next season with USA Artistic Swim.

Below is the link. I will learn more about this on August 21st but if you it's easy for you to do now then give it a try. Make sure it's for the season 2023-2024

If you went to JO Nationals last season then please register as Competitive Athlete.

If you are a 10 & Under then register as an Athlete.

If you are new then register as an Athlete.

If you are: Mini, Stephanie, Evelyn, Ellen, Kylee, Olivia, Avery, Karis register as Competitive Athlete.

If you are not listed above and did not go to JO Nationals Register as an Athlete.

If you have questions on how to do this then wait until further information.

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