Dear Families -
For added transparency to Meraquas's travel invoices, I wanted to provide a mid-season update on travel costs per swimmer, by team. The year-to-date deposits you have paid are also reflected, with a remaining balance payable to Meraquas noted below.
We will be issuing additional travel installment invoices on May 1st and June 1st. A final invoice catching up to actual costs will also be billed at the end of the season. The installment method is to help spread out travel costs during the season to avoid any large lump-sum invoices in the back end.
Please note that total travel costs are still subject to change. The summary excludes any costs and payments for swimmers' airfares (e.g. $442 for National and $675 for Florida).
Happy to answer any questions you may have!
Lillian - Treasurer
Thanks, Lillian! That's very helpful.