This information is intended for West Zones chaperones only:
12&Under: Lillian and Jeihui Zhang
13-15 B team: Nari* and Ladan
13-15 A team: Joanna and Hui*
Juniors: Giselle
Each chaperone needs to fulfil three steps to be eligible:
1. Buy Athlete safety Membership
2. Undergo background check
3. Go through Safe Sport training for chaperones
Please use this link to register as a chaperone with Meraquas
You need to select yourself as a participating member. Select "chaperone" as your role. You will be offered to buy "Athlete safety Membership". Please go ahead and pay for it.
Please forward your receipts to Lillian Kang, our Treasurer: Lilian will refund your expenses.
Once you are registered, please initiate the Background check and go through your SafeSport training.
Please, start ASAP.
Please send me a screenshot of your profile once you are done with all three steps (your profile should be all green) , (949) 590 0762
*Nari and Hui, your background check is still valid, but you need to pay for the Membership. You might need a refresher on SafeSport - check your profile.